Client: Village of Alert Bay and ‘Namgis First Nation
Date: 2015
In 2014-2015, EcoPlan supported the communities on Cormorant Island (‘Namgis First Nation and the Village of Alert Bay) to develop a consensus economic development strategy.
However, moving plans moving from ideas to action is always a challenge. In an innovative effort (suggested by ‘Namgis and the Village), EcoPlan relocated a staff member to Alert Bay to initiate implementation. Over the course of five weeks, EcoPlan led the resourcing of key actions through grant research and writing, as well as spearheaded the implementation of several short-term actions, including historical signage for the town boardwalk, the development of a summer farmers market, several litter reduction actions.
EcoPlan also supported the longer-term implementation of the Plan by working with the two governments to develop a framework and workplan for joint implementation. This work included an evaluation of implementation models (e.g., non-profit society, economic development corporation, Steering Committee), Terms of References, job descriptions, and organization charts.