Health Impact Assessment Guidebook and Toolkit

Client:  Metro Vancouver, PlanH

Date: 2014-2015

EcoPlan worked with Metro Vancouver, PlanH, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Fraser Health Authority, and several other partners to develop a guidebook and corresponding toolkit for Health Impact Assessment of Transportation and Land Use Planning Activities. The guidebook provides an introduction to HIA and outlines a five-step process that can be used to conduct HIA in various land use and transportation planning processes. Organized around a well-tested methodology, the guidebook includes step-by step instructions for different levels of HIA, identifies common issues and challenges that can be expected in the HIA process, highlights lessons from the field to successfully address them, and includes a companion Toolkit with 18 tools to support the planning steps. Plans to field test the guidebook with partner local governments are currently underway.

A copy of the guidebook can be downloaded here.