Experience the Gulf Islands Concept Plan
Date: 2016
EcoPlan supported the development of Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna). Using community, partner, and stakeholder input, the structured, strategic plan built on existing island tourism and community initiatives to help better coordinate and enhance community tourism planning across the region. The final Concept Plan created a guiding, shared, inter-island vision for the future of community tourism on the Southern Gulf Islands and identified community-defined tourism development goals to help guide actions to achieve the vision. The final plan included a series of phased short-, medium- and long-term actions organized under a range of strategy areas. An implementation section outlined the next steps required to move the Concept Plan forwards and has already resulted in several short-term, or quick start actions being completed.