Translink Structured Decision-Making Course
Date: 2013
Working with other experts in the field of structured decision-making (Mike Harstone of Compass Resource Management, Dr. Robin Gregory of Value Scope Research, and Basil Stumborg, BC Hydro’s Decision Analysis Expert for Energy Planning and Economic Development), EcoPlan developed and delivered a three day structured decision-making (SDM) course for Translink planners and decision-makers. The course involved presentations, interactive activities and small group project work to give participants a working understanding of the basic foundations of structuring complex decisions, including: Scoping, framing and structuring; developing good objectives and performance measures; crafting strong, creative alternatives; effectively addressing trade‐offs, linked decisions, risks and uncertainty; common decision pitfalls, challenges and their responses; and implementing SDM at TransLink. Ultimately, the course was designed to help participants make decisions that are defensible, transparent, and efficient; decisions that build trust and use information better; and decisions that achieve durable results in the long term because they meet their identified objectives.