Gift Lake Métis Settlement Non-market Value Analysis
Date: 1996-2004
The Gift Lake Métis Settlement commissioned EcoPlan to revise a 1997 value analysis of net compensatory losses caused by surface disturbances resulting from ongoing exploration, extraction, and transportation of oil and gas resources on the Settlement. Although previous compensation efforts focused on market-based resource losses, members have consistently identified non-market values as the primary values impacted by surface disturbances. EcoPlan conducted a rigorous research process involving interviews with Settlement members, field research, and historical analysis of provincial records. Following this analysis, a workshop was held with Gift Lake Settlement members to establish a hierarchy of non-market values impacted by oil and gas development. Multi-attribute value and utility techniques were used to ascertain the significance of changes in these values experienced by members. These values were then priced out in dollar terms. In 2007, the Gift Lake Métis Settlement took Devon Canada Corporation to the Land Access Panel of the Métis Settlements Appeal Tribunal for compensation. EcoPlan provided expert testimony and evidence based on the work conducted for this project. The Land Access Panel ordered that annual compensation be paid by Devon Canada Corporation to the Gift Lake Métis Settlement.