Structured Decision Support

Combining a range of analytical tools and techniques to provide clarity and insight. It is a way to structure information, values and issues that fosters creative thinking.

With a focus on both deliberation and analysis, structured decision support approaches are designed to effectively combine expert driven analysis with local engagement to arrive at effective solutions. Structured decision support builds a common understanding of the planning or decision challenge and adds rigour to the evaluation. If you need to engage diverse interests, incorporate multiple values, address trade-offs, identify priorities, incorporate uncertainty, and find solutions that work— structured decision support can help.
Structured decision support is a form of structured decision-making, decision aiding, or value-focused thinking. Over the last 25 years we have established ourselves as an innovative firm that is leading the way in bringing tools and methods to planning from related disciplines like decision analysis, behavioural economics, negotiation theory, and cognitive psychology. Most importantly, it works in so many challenging contexts. Combined with our facilitation and communication skills, we can help ensure that the decision-making that is part of any planning project is more transparent, defensible and broadly supported.