Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All

Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All – A Case for Investment Working collaboratively with the Capital Regional District and Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic SustainabilityCommission,EcoPlan helped develop Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Designed to [...]

Building Urban Economic Resilience Through COVID-19

Building Urban Economic Resilience During and After COVID-19 EcoPlan International supported the United Nations  Economic Commission for Africa with  "Building Urban Economic Resilience During and After COVID-19", which aimed to fortify local governments' capacities to create and monitor resilient COVID-19 response plans. This initiative, carried out in partnership with UNECA, UN-HABITAT, and UNCDF, focuses on [...]

St George Alaska Economic Development

“Rebuilding Our Future” Kayutuuxtxin Tanagnangin Igayuusalix angagiimchin agnaxtxichin - St George Alaska Local Economic Development Strategy Summary of Results An actionable economic development strategy and 11 working papers, housed on a public website Support for funding and implementation of key projects, such as the $164 million St. George Harbor. A feature write-up with the American [...]

Promoting Local Economic Development Guidebook Series

Promoting Local Economic Development Guidebook Series EcoPlan developed a local economic development (LED) training series in partnership with UN-HABITAT through a process that included research, peer review, and field‐testing. The training series acts as a resource guide for local governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to initiate and implement economic development interventions through locally driven [...]


MAP Strathcona With grant support from the Real Estate Foundation of BC, the Strathcona Business Improvement Association (SBIA) undertook a unique and innovative project to develop a Mobility Advocacy Plan (MAP) for the business district - the first of its kind in Canada. Incorporating the context of changing land-use plans and new developments within and [...]


Elevate Abbotsford EcoPlan worked with the City of Abbotsford to create an economic development strategy that provides the team from the City of Abbotsford’s Economic Development department (CAED) with direction, strategies, and actions to guide their work over the next three years. EcoPlan facilitated an Innovation Forum that brought together dozens of innovators from across [...]

Experience the Gulf Islands (ETGI)

Experience the Gulf Islands (ETGI) Working collaboratively with the Capital Regional District and Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic SustainabilityCommission,EcoPlan helped develop Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Designed to build on and support existing island tourism and [...]

Cormorant Island
Economic Development

Tides of Change: Cormorant Island Joint Economic Development Strategy Winner of a 2016 International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Core Values Award, Tides of Change was a joint economic development strategy developed with ‘Namgis First Nation and the Village of Alert Bay on Northern Vancouver Island. One of the first such joint projects in Canada, [...]