Transport Canada Case Studies

Transport Canada Case Studies Date: 2007-2010 For the past several years, EcoPlan has provided ongoing research services to Transport Canada for sustainable transportation projects and planning approaches. Our work has created over 30 case studies and issue papers for Transport Canada’s Information Network, a forum for transportation practitioners and other observers to share information and lessons […]

Translink Structured Decision-Making Course

Translink Structured Decision-Making Course Date: 2013 Working with other experts in the field of structured decision-making (Mike Harstone of Compass Resource Management, Dr. Robin Gregory of Value Scope Research, and Basil Stumborg, BC Hydro’s Decision Analysis Expert for Energy Planning and Economic Development), EcoPlan developed and delivered a three day structured decision-making (SDM) course for Translink […]

Sustainable Transportation Study Tour

Sustainable Transportation Study Tour Date: 2007 EcoPlan conducted a study tour for two Chinese municipal planners with the purpose of showcasing the innovative transportation initiatives that were developed in association with the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The study tour focused specifically on examining contributions to transportation planning made by all levels of decision-makers, […]

Surrey Bicycle Recreation Facilities Strategy

Surrey Bicycle Recreation Facilities Strategy Date: 2007-2008 To help better manage new bicycle recreation demands (i.e., off-road, urban mountain bike and BMX riding), EcoPlan led a project to develop a comprehensive Bicycle Recreation Facilities Strategy for the City of Surrey. The project resulted in guidelines for the development and provision of new facilities, the upgrading of […]

Mt. Currie Active Transportation Plan

Mt. Currie Active Transportation Plan Date: 2009 EcoPlan worked with a multi-stakeholder community group representing Elders, senior staff and community workers to develop an Active Transportation Strategy for the community of Mt. Currie in southwestern BC. The project included a structured decision-making process in which the stakeholder group identified and ranked community health and mobility […]

Future of Driving Forum

Future of Driving Forum Date: 2016 EcoPlan was contracted by TransLink to facilitate the last in a series of regional planning discussion forums on the Future of Driving – an initiative to explore how a number of emerging social and technological trends may affect the regional mobility in the future. To help participants (primarily regional […]

Carrall Street Greenway Sustainability Forum

Carrall Street Greenway Sustainability Forum Date: 2005-2006 EcoPlan staff managed a key component of the public process for Carrall street greenway, which connects and completes Vancouver’s seawall by allowing pedestrians and cyclists to move from Burrard Inlet to False Creek. The Ideas Forum provided a venue for over 150 Downtown Eastside residents, property owners, community […]

B.E.A.T. Neighbourhood Assessment Tool

B.E.A.T. Neighbourhood Assessment Tool Date: 2009 EcoPlan developed a Built Environment and Active Transportation (B.E.A.T.) Neighbourhood Assessment tool to help local governments, community organizations and individuals understand how built environments impact active transportation in their neighbourhoods – both urban and rural. The tool facilitates the assessment of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, roads and parking, trails, […]

Translink Mobility Lab: Concepts and Governance Road Map

Translink Mobility Lab: Concepts and Governance Road Map Date: 2017 EcoPlan and Activate Planning were contracted by TransLink to develop the concept of a mobility lab for presentation to TransLink’s board. The report summarises the potential role, development and governance of a mobility lab to assist TransLink and the region during this period of transformation in transportation. […]

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan Date: 2014-2016 Winner of a Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Planning Excellence, the Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation and Mobility planning process began in 2015, and despite major administrative, jurisdictional and capacity hurdles, resulted in a doable plan that has improved the community and the lives of […]

Advisory Services – Professional Planning, Research and Policy Services

Advisory Services – Professional Planning, Research and Policy Services EcoPlan has supported TransLink on two linked advisory services agreements, with the most recent focusing on three work streams: policy research and analysis support; facilitation, prioritization and strategic decision-making support; and public and stakeholder engagement support. The first advisory services program focused on three projects: a […]