Urban Naturalization in Canada: A Guidebook for Canadian Municipalities

Urban Naturalization in Canada: A Guidebook for Canadian Municipalities Date: 2002 EcoPlan researched and wrote a nationally disseminated policy and program guidebook for Evergreen Canada to assist municipalities incorporate naturalization in their official plans, policies, environmental programs and operating procedures. Intended primarily for land-use planners, park managers, landscape architects, ecologists and other professionals, the guide can […]

Transport Canada Case Studies

Transport Canada Case Studies Date: 2007-2010 For the past several years, EcoPlan has provided ongoing research services to Transport Canada for sustainable transportation projects and planning approaches. Our work has created over 30 case studies and issue papers for Transport Canada’s Information Network, a forum for transportation practitioners and other observers to share information and lessons […]

Translink Structured Decision-Making Course

Translink Structured Decision-Making Course Date: 2013 Working with other experts in the field of structured decision-making (Mike Harstone of Compass Resource Management, Dr. Robin Gregory of Value Scope Research, and Basil Stumborg, BC Hydro’s Decision Analysis Expert for Energy Planning and Economic Development), EcoPlan developed and delivered a three day structured decision-making (SDM) course for Translink […]

Training Strategy for Ta’an Kwäch’än Local Economic Development

Training Strategy for Ta’an Kwäch’än Local Economic Development Date: 2006-2007 EcoPlan collaborated with Beringia Planning to develop a twenty-five year strategic plan and local economic development training program for the Ta’an Kwäch’än First Nation in Whitehorse, Yukon. The project included an extensive labour market/human resources SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) and an integrated community capacity […]

Training of Trainers and Technical Planning Support – Strategic Planning for Local Economic Development

Training of Trainers and Technical Planning Support – Strategic Planning for Local Economic Development Date: 2002-2006 EcoPlan worked with UN-HABITAT, local partners and Canadian federal partners (Industry Canada, CIDA) to develop and lead several Train-the-Trainer workshops and conferences in Romania, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Chile and Mexico. Focusing on strategic planning for LED, […]

Training in Comprehensive Community Planning

Training in Comprehensive Community Planning Date: 2016-2017 EcoPlan led a 2-day training for Nokiiwin Tribal Council’s six communities in the Thunder Bay / Lake Nipigon area. This included an overview of values- based decision making, project planning, strategic planning, and community engagement in the context of developing Comprehensive Community Plans for First Nations. The training included […]

Species at Risk Workshop Facilitation

Species at Risk Workshop Facilitation Date: 2010 EcoPlan facilitated a workshop for members of the Canadian Electricity Association, the Canadian Hydropower Association, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Environment Canada to explore the permitting implications of the Species At Risk Act (SARA). The overall objective was to identify regulatory mechanisms that would enable effective […]

Regional District of Nanaimo – Nodal Development Guidebook

Regional District of Nanaimo – Nodal Development Guidebook Date: 2005 EcoPlan helped Smart Growth BC to research, write and produce a guidebook for the Regional District of Nanaimo on nodal development and its role within the District’s Regional Growth Strategy. The document included design guidelines and a section on best practices. The guidebook was the first […]

Proposal and Grant Writing Support

Proposal and Grant Writing Support Date: 2000-present EcoPlan has helped a large number of different organizations, First Nations, and foundations with writing proposals and grants. Where appropriate, we focus on capacity building so that internal staff can gain the skills required to write proposals themselves over time. The groups with which we’ve worked have had high […]

Powell River Regional District Workshop

Powell River Regional District Workshop Date: 2010 EcoPlan facilitated a regional planning workshop that brought together representatives of the Powell River Regional District, the City of Powell River, and the Tla’amin First Nation to discuss a Regional Growth and Development Analysis Report prepared by Van Struth Consulting Group. The workshop commenced with a discussion of […]

Politics, Strategies, and Structural Projects Workshop (Mexico)

Politics, Strategies, and Structural Projects Workshop (Mexico) Date: 2009 EcoPlan facilitated a workshop on politics, strategies and structural projects to facilitate brainstorming and innovation regarding the future of urban areas in northern Mexico. This workshop, which was attended by members of the municipalities of Tijuana, Tecate, and Playas de Rosarito, aimed to generate a participatory […]

Youth Stewardship: Canada – Ecuador Program

Youth Stewardship: Canada – Ecuador Program Date: 2001 Working with Environmental Youth Alliance, EcoPlan implemented a program for Canadian youth in Ecuador that achieved the following four objectives: Objective  #1 –  Youth International Interns will gain experience by working with sustainable micro-enterprise development Objective #2 – Youth Interns with gain skills enhancement in alternative energy […]

Leading by Example – Wellness Champion Resource

Leading by Example – Wellness Champion Resource Date: 2015-2017 EcoPlan worked with the First Nations Health Authority (in collaboration with the First Nations Health Directors Association and the First Nations Health Council) on a Health and Wellness Champion resource entitled Leading by Example: Inspiring Stories of Health, Wellness and Leadership. This resource profiles eleven BC […]

Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nations Land Use Planning Training

Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nations Land Use Planning Training Date: 2008 EcoPlan developed a Land Use Mapping Interview and Training Guide for KHFN that demonstrated effective ways of mapping and recording traditional land use and related oral histories to assist with KHFN’s future land use planning. The guide was used by KHFN to identify and designate […]

Metro Vancouver Green Infrastructure Network Resources Guide

Metro Vancouver Green Infrastructure Network Resources Guide Date: 2013 EcoPlan supported project lead Diamond Head Consulting in the development of Connecting the Dots: A Regional Green Infrastructure Network for Metro Vancouver.  This guide is intended to help Metro Vancouver planners, leaders, and community members to understand the principles, technologies and applications of green infrastructure projects, such as permeable […]

Training in Comprehensive Community Planning

Training in Comprehensive Community Planning Client: Nokiiwin Tribal Council Date: 2017 EcoPlan led a 2-day training for Nokiiwin Tribal Council’s six communities in the Thunder Bay / Lake Nipigon area. This included an overview of values- based decision making, project planning, strategic planning, and community engagement in the context of developing Comprehensive Community Plans for […]

Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and Training

Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and Training Date: 2016-2017 EcoPlan developed a Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and training program for NADF and its 89 First Nation communities. The toolkit is designed as a step-by-step resource for First Nations staff and leadership who are involved in resourcing and delivering a CCP project. This includes guides and tools […]

Child and Youth Friendly Planning Guidelines Workshops

Child and Youth Friendly Planning Guidelines Workshops Date: 2009-2010 EcoPlan organized a number of actions to raise awareness and facilitate adoption of Planning Guidelines for Child and Youth Friendly Cities in communities across British Columbia.  Working with stakeholders and partners in the Capital Regional District in Victoria, the launch event was followed by a more […]

Buffalo Lake Cultural Education and Contemporary Skills Development

Buffalo Lake Cultural Education and Contemporary Skills Development Date: 2016-2017 Building on a Traditional Land Use (TLU) and Historical Communities (HC) Study completed in 2004, the Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement (BLMS) hired EcoPlan to develop and facilitate an educational program exploring Métis culture, history and migration though mapping technologies. With input from BLMS teachers, researchers […]

B.E.A.T. Neighbourhood Assessment Tool

B.E.A.T. Neighbourhood Assessment Tool Date: 2009 EcoPlan developed a Built Environment and Active Transportation (B.E.A.T.) Neighbourhood Assessment tool to help local governments, community organizations and individuals understand how built environments impact active transportation in their neighbourhoods – both urban and rural. The tool facilitates the assessment of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, roads and parking, trails, […]

Metro Wastewater Education Brief

Metro Wastewater Education Brief Date: 2016 EcoPlan was contracted by the Liquid Waste Department of Metro Vancouver to compile a research brief regarding educational elements in municipal wastewater infrastructure.

A Kid’s Guide to Building Great Communities: A Manual for Planners and Educators

A Kid’s Guide to Building Great Communities: A Manual for Planners and Educators EcoPlan researched, supported and provided graphic design services during the development of an activity guide and manual to assist with teaching about urban planning and community development. Aimed at planning professionals and educators, the manual is designed to provide ideas, exercises and […]