Urban Naturalization in Canada: A Guidebook for Canadian Municipalities

Urban Naturalization in Canada: A Guidebook for Canadian Municipalities Date: 2002 EcoPlan researched and wrote a nationally disseminated policy and program guidebook for Evergreen Canada to assist municipalities incorporate naturalization in their official plans, policies, environmental programs and operating procedures. Intended primarily for land-use planners, park managers, landscape architects, ecologists and other professionals, the guide can […]

Town of Oliver OCP Update

Town of Oliver OCP Update Date: 2016-2017 With the support of the Arlington Group, EcoPlan led a project to review and update the Town of Oliver’s Official Community Plan. The project included a focus on downtown revitalization, including new and simplified design guidelines for the area, and the development of supportive policies across multiple chapters. The […]

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Date: 2012 EcoPlan, in partnership with Diamond Head Consulting, developed the City of Surrey’s leading edge Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS). The work was built on past planning initiatives, including the Ecosystem Management Study and Surrey’s Sustainability Charter. The results of this project informed large scale community planning, as well as secondary plans and regulatory […]

Summerland Economic Development Forum

Summerland Economic Development Forum Date: 2012 Based on our proprietary and award winning participatory strategic planning process, EcoPlan designed and delivered an economic development forum for the District of Summerland. The forum attracted over 50 members of the local business community, the District of Summerland Mayor, Council and staff, residents, as well as representatives of the […]

South Cariboo Official Community Plan

South Cariboo Official Community Plan Date: 2015-? EcoPlan was retained to support the Arlington Group in an update of the South Cariboo Area OCP. The OCP Update includes multi-faceted public consultation throughout the process, including a project Advisory Committee and local First Nations engagement.  Other areas addressed in the OCP update include a review of ALR […]

Regional Planning Toolkit for Treaty First Nations & Local Governments

Regional Planning Toolkit for Treaty First Nations & Local Governments Date: 2012 In 2012, EcoPlan helped support two new Treaty First Nations of the Maa-nulth Treaty — Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ Government — join the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) on Vancouver Island’s west coast. An undertaking with no precedents, EcoPlan worked with the parties through […]

Public Art and Design in Large Municipal Infrastructure

Public Art and Design in Large Municipal Infrastructure Date: 2015 With new infrastructure facilities in development and others in the planning stages, Metro Vancouver was looking to explore the opportunities and values of a more formalized approach to incorporating public art and achieving higher architectural and urban design standards in its infrastructure projects. EcoPlan provided Metro […]

Public Art and Design in Small Municipal Infrastructure

Public Art and Design in Small Municipal Infrastructure Date: 2015-2016 EcoPlan was retained by Metro Vancouver to provide information regarding best practices for integrating public art into new facility development and upgrades, including both small- and mid-sized infrastructure, and the policies supporting its procurement and integration. Through interviews with with public art staff, consultants, and regional […]

Powell River Regional District Zoning Materials

Powell River Regional District Zoning Materials Date: Following the 2013 adoption of the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Electoral Area C, the Powell River Regional District (PRRD) contracted EcoPlan to support a community engagement process to gauge community interest in developing a “companion land use bylaw” to help support the implementation of the OCP. EcoPlan […]

Municipal Taxation Survey for the Vancouver Board of Trade

Municipal Taxation Survey for the Vancouver Board of Trade Date: 2005 EcoPlan assisted with a project for the Vancouver Board of Trade to carry out a comparative analysis of municipal revenue bases in North American Cities. With an eye to potential municipal finance reform in Canadian municipalities, the study analyzed the municipal revenue base in […]

Municipal Economic Development Strategies (Paraguay)

Municipal Economic Development Strategies (Paraguay) Date: 2000 Working with the Canadian Urban Institute, EcoPlan coordinated the development of three strategic economic development plans in the Paraguayan municipalities of Luque, (pop. 180,000) Aregua (pop. 130,000), Guarambare (pop. 9,000). These three municipalities are all in the Central Government District, adjacent to the capital of Asuncion. Tourism, small/medium-size […]

Metro Vancouver Consultation and Community Relations Services

Metro Vancouver Consultation and Community Relations Services Date: 2014-present In mid-2014 EcoPlan was selected for a standing offer with Metro Vancouver’s Liquid Waste Services and Water Services departments to provide on-going, and as-needed engagement and planning support services. To date, this work has included First Nations engagement, document review and development, and most recently a […]

Lac La Hache Official Community Plan Review and Update

Lac La Hache Official Community Plan Review and Update Date: 2015-? EcoPlan was retained to support the Arlington Group in an update of the Lac La Hache Area Official Community Plan. Being a small rural community with an influx of seasonal residents, effective public consultation has a high priority in this process – including well-timed […]

Greater Vancouver Livable Centres Program

Greater Vancouver Livable Centres Program Date: 2003 EcoPlan staff worked with the Greater Vancouver Regional District’s (now Metro Vancouver) Livable Region Strategic Plan, a program that encouraged the development of a compact, livable metropolitan region, with a core and eight regional town centres. In 2003, the GVRD partnered with the provincial Ministry of Community Services […]

Electoral Area “F” OCP Update

Electoral Area “F” OCP Update Date: 2017+ EcoPlan is working with a larger project team that includes the Arlington Group on an update of the Official Community Plan for Electoral Area “F” in the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS). The project will include a technical review of hazard conditions in the West Bench area adjacent […]

Cowichan Valley Regional District Official Community Plan

Cowichan Valley Regional District Official Community Plan Date: 2007-2009 Working with a larger consultant team led by SmartGrowth BC, EcoPlan helped coordinate the first phase of a multi-phase process to prepare a new, integrated Official Community Plan for Electoral Areas B (Shawnigan Lake) and C (Cobble Hill) in the Cowichan Valley Regional District. EcoPlan managed […]

Colwood and Langford Official Community Plan Update

Colwood and Langford Official Community Plan Update Date: 2007-2008 EcoPlan worked with a larger consultant team led by HB Lanarc (now Golder) to review and update the Official Community Plans (OCP) of Colwood and Langford, two of B.C.’s fastest growing communities. EcoPlan was responsible for the OCP’s economic development chapter and worked closely with the […]

City of Powell River Official Community Plan Update

City of Powell River Official Community Plan Update Date: 2012-2013 EcoPlan worked with a planning team led by the Arlington Group on updating the City of Powell River’s 2005 Official Community Plan. EcoPlan co-managed the community engagement component and coordinating planning collaboration with Tla’amin Nation, BC’s latest Treaty First Nation. EcoPlan was also responsible for […]

Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy Phase 2 and 3

Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy Phase 2 and 3 Date: 2017+ EcoPlan and NHC are working with Surrey to help prepare the city for a changing climate and help our coastal communities become more resilient, with focus on Surrey’s coastal floodplain area.

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan Date: 2014-2016 Winner of a Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Planning Excellence, the Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation and Mobility planning process began in 2015, and despite major administrative, jurisdictional and capacity hurdles, resulted in a doable plan that has improved the community and the lives of […]

Ucluelet Outdoor Recreation and Sport Tourism Study

Ucluelet Outdoor Recreation and Sport Tourism Study Date: 2007 With the Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce, EcoPlan designed a framework for re-evaluating and prioritizing recreation and tourism objectives and developed a strategic list of tourism opportunities for the area. Using a set of indicators that were linked to objectives, a decision analysis framework was created to […]

Downtown Oliver Action Plan

Downtown Oliver Action Plan Date: 2017 The Downtown Action Plan outlines a range of strategic actions the Town of Oliver and partners could pursue to retain and grow existing businesses, attract new investment, and enhance the public realm in support of the ongoing effort to revitalize Downtown Oliver. The Action Plan is made up of […]

Electoral Area “D-1” OCP Update

Client: Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen Date: 2014-2016 EcoPlan led a larger project team that includes the Arlington Group on an update of the Official Community Plan for Electoral Area “D-1” in the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen (RDOS). With a small and highly dispersed rural population, the project employed a range of engagement techniques to ensure the […]

Public Art and Design in Mid- Sized Municipal Infrastructure

Client: Metro Vancouver Date: 2015 With new infrastructure facilities in development and others in the planning stages, Metro Vancouver was looking to explore the opportunities and values of a more formalized approach to incorporating public art and achieving higher architectural and urban design standards in its infrastructure projects. EcoPlan provided Metro Vancouver with information regarding precedent-setting examples where […]