Cowichan Tribes Land Use Planning Project

Cowichan Tribes Land Use Planning Project Date: 2008 Building on previous work with Cowichan Tribes, EcoPlan is currently supporting the completion of a Land Use Plan (LUP). In 2013/14 EcoPlan worked with Cowichan Tribes in developing a Land Use Planning Framework (LUF), that set the stage for the LUP. The LUF detailed ‘Potential Furture Land […]

Cowichan Tribes Comprehensive Community Plan & Land Use Framework

Coquitlam River Flood Management Process Date: 2012-2013 Cowichan Tribes, the largest First Nation in BC, worked with EcoPlan to create a pair of guiding planning documents for the community – a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) and Land Use Framework. Initial meetings identified that Cowichan Tribes lacked a trained and experienced community planner. Throughout the project […]

Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and Training

Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and Training Date: 2016-2017 EcoPlan developed a Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and training program for NADF and its 89 First Nation communities. The toolkit is designed as a step-by-step resource for First Nations staff and leadership who are involved in resourcing and delivering a CCP project. This includes guides and tools […]

Coldwater Indian Band Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan

Coldwater Indian Band Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan Date: 2012-2013 EcoPlan worked with Coldwater First Nation on a Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan to guide decision-making and lands management in the community’s future development.  While completed in little over six months (comparable projects typically lasting 12 to 18 months), the project […]

Canim Lake Trail Network Tourism Opportunity Study

Canim Lake Trail Network Tourism Opportunity Study Date: 2009-2010 EcoPlan was engaged to identify and assess community tourism opportunities for the Canim Lake Indian Band around their vast network of trails and trap lines. The assessment began with the development of a comprehensive situation assessment/tourism capital analysis for the Band’s traditional territory with supporting maps […]

Buffalo Lake Cultural Education and Contemporary Skills Development

Buffalo Lake Cultural Education and Contemporary Skills Development Date: 2016-2017 Building on a Traditional Land Use (TLU) and Historical Communities (HC) Study completed in 2004, the Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement (BLMS) hired EcoPlan to develop and facilitate an educational program exploring Métis culture, history and migration though mapping technologies. With input from BLMS teachers, researchers […]

Blood Tribe Tourism Study

Blood Tribe Tourism Study Date: 2010 EPI worked with the Blood Tribe to develop a comprehensive tourism strategy.

Block F- University Endowment Lands Rezoning

Block F- University Endowment Lands Rezoning Date: 2012-2013 EcoPlan worked as part of a larger team to assist Musqueam Indian Band in rezoning a parcel of land known as ‘Block F’ located in the University Endowment Lands near UBC.  This land, part of Musqueam’s unceded traditional territory, was returned to Musqueam Indian Band as part […]

SRD First Nations Engagement

SRD First Nations Engagement Date: 2015 EcoPlan was contracted by the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) to review a draft of their First Nations engagement strategy and associated staff report.

Metro Vancouver First Nation Reports

Metro Vancouver First Nation Reports Date: 2015 EcoPlan provided technical support on communications to First Nations in Metro Vancouver regarding various Metro project

Plan Talk- Aboriginal Planning

Plan Talk- Aboriginal Planning Date: 2005 EcoPlan provided support to a major public process devoted to developing a watershed plan for Snohomish Basin, which includes Seattle, Everett and many outlying rural communities.

Community Economic Development Training

Community Economic Development Training Date: 2011 EcoPlan delivered  a one day training to members of CANDO on economic development strategic planning.

MIB Council Priorities

MIB Council Priorities Date: 2012 EcoPlan facilitated numerous Musqeaum nation council retreats.

MIB EdStrat

MIB EdStrat Date: 2011 Ecoplan was hired to conduct a professional retreat for Musqueam’s Education Committee, the focus of which was to identify priorities and strategic actions to recommend to Council for approval and then for staff to implement.


MIB CEOP Date: 2012 EcoPlan helped to develop community economic development operations plan.

Xwisten Health and Safety Policy Manual

Xwisten Health and Safety Policy Manual Date: 2015-2016 First Nations operations and businesses are complex in terms of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), as there are overlapping OHS regulations (federal and provincial) that apply. Xwísten’s situation wasfurther complicated in that their business and government operations were extremely varied (including office work, construction, forestry, firefighting,health care, […]

Musqueam Recreation Plan

Musqueam Recreation Plan Date: 2009-2010 EcoPlan supported a sports facility planning process to capitalize on special legacy funding opportunities, available through Musqueam’s role as one of four Host First Nations of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. A team of staff and community members reviewed possible locations, requirements, and activities for the potential facility. Using technical […]

Xwisten Governnance Policy

Xwisten Governance Policy Date: 2016-2017 EcoPlan and Activate Planning were contracted by TransLink to develop the concept of a mobility lab for presentation to TransLink’s board. The report summarises the potential role, development and governance of a mobility lab to assist TransLink and the region during this period of transformation in transportation. By considering best practice […]

Translink Mobility Lab: Concepts and Governance Road Map

Translink Mobility Lab: Concepts and Governance Road Map Date: 2017 EcoPlan and Activate Planning were contracted by TransLink to develop the concept of a mobility lab for presentation to TransLink’s board. The report summarises the potential role, development and governance of a mobility lab to assist TransLink and the region during this period of transformation in transportation. […]

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan Date: 2014-2016 Winner of a Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Planning Excellence, the Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation and Mobility planning process began in 2015, and despite major administrative, jurisdictional and capacity hurdles, resulted in a doable plan that has improved the community and the lives of […]

Musqueam Legacy Funding Decision Analysis

Musqueam Legacy Funding Decision Analysis Date: 2010 EcoPlan conducted a rigorous analytical and community engagement process to determine how to utilize $17 million in 2010 Legacy Dollars. This project involved custom decision analysis and community involvement tools (including personal interview surveys, web-based surveys, focus groups and workshops) to align policy with community needs and values. […]

Aseniwuche Winewak

Aseniwuche Winewak Date: 2000 EPI initiated an analysis of cultural, environment/resource and community loss with the ultimate purpose to put a dollar figure on these intangible losses. .

Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek Land Use Plan

Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek Land Use Plan EcoPlan completed a comprehensive community plan for the Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek (AZA). A formally landless community who negotiated their community’s land based in 2008, the plan focuses on this new area located at Partridge Lake, about three hours north of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Called Giiwedaa (which means “coming home” […]

Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek Comprehensive Community Plan

Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek Comprehensive Community Plan EcoPlan worked with Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek (AZA) on a comprehensive community plan for a new reserve, received by the formerly landless First Nation in 2008. Located three hours north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, the Partridge Lake community will ultimately be home to administrative offices, community facilities, housing and new businesses. […]

Xwísten Economic Development Strategy

Xwísten Economic Development Strategy Date: 2015 EcoPlan worked with Xwísten (Bridge River Indian Band) on an economic development strategy for on- and off-reserve opportunities for the band and band members. The strategy is intended to be a guiding document and workplan for a soon-to-be-hired economic development officer, and will include a skills inventory, assessment of […]

Doig River First Nation Community Trust Workshop

Client: Doig River First Nation Date: 2012 Comprehensive Community Planning – when done well – can be a major “game-changer” for First Nations communities. This has been recognized by Doig River First Nation. To this end, the Doig River organized a one-day workshop with Community Trust members, staff and Chief and Council. The workshop was […]

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan

Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan Client: Cowichan Tribes Date: 2016 Winner of a Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Planning Excellence, the Cowichan Tribes Community Transportation and Mobility planning process began in 2015, and despite major administrative, jurisdictional and capacity hurdles, resulted in a doable plan that has improved the community and […]

Tides of Change Implementation Support

Client: Village of Alert Bay and ‘Namgis First Nation Date: 2015 In 2014-2015, EcoPlan supported the communities on Cormorant Island (‘Namgis First Nation and the Village of Alert Bay) to develop a consensus economic development strategy. However, moving plans moving from ideas to action is always a challenge. In an innovative effort (suggested by ‘Namgis and the […]