Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All

Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All – A Case for Investment Working collaboratively with the Capital Regional District and Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic SustainabilityCommission,EcoPlan helped develop Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Designed to [...]

St George Alaska Economic Development

“Rebuilding Our Future” Kayutuuxtxin Tanagnangin Igayuusalix angagiimchin agnaxtxichin - St George Alaska Local Economic Development Strategy Summary of Results An actionable economic development strategy and 11 working papers, housed on a public website Support for funding and implementation of key projects, such as the $164 million St. George Harbor. A feature write-up with the American [...]

Experience the Gulf Islands (ETGI)

Experience the Gulf Islands (ETGI) Working collaboratively with the Capital Regional District and Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic SustainabilityCommission,EcoPlan helped develop Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Designed to build on and support existing island tourism and [...]

Driftpile First Nation Tourism Opportunities Study

EcoPlan conducted a detailed regional tourism market assessment, opportunity analysis and community-based structured decision-making process to help identify, and prioritize tourism development opportunities for an Aboriginal community located in northern Alberta. The project included an evaluation of three opportunities that had already been identified by the community and involved the creation of an advisory committee […]

Yukusam Cultural Ecotourism Feasibility Analysis

Yukusam Cultural Ecotourism Feasibility Analysis Date: 2005 EcoPlan assessed the feasibility of a multi-phase eco-tourism and cultural education project for Yukusam (Hanson Island) near Alert Bay off the northeast end of Vancouver Island. The study tested the financial viability and sustainability of a cultural interpretative facility and trail network to be developed by the N’amgis […]

Xwísten Experiences Site Plan and Improvements

Xwísten Experiences Site Plan and Improvements Date: 2014 EcoPlan worked with Xwísten to develop a master plan and promotional brochure for the Xwisten Experiences cultural tourism program.  This included site plans and phased improvements for a visitor’s centre, viewing areas, and trails.

Waterville Valley Residential/Golf Project; New Hampshire

Waterville Valley Residential/Golf Project; New Hampshire Date: 1991 The highest and best use was established and value determined for this proposed golf course. Regional dynamics and tourism trends greatly influenced this analysis.

Treaty 7 Protected Areas Sustainable Tourism Situation Assessment

Treaty 7 Protected Areas Sustainable Tourism Situation Assessment Date: 2009-2010 EcoPlan identified sustainable and pro-poor economic opportunities within the region’s tourism sector. Beginning with a site analysis of the Nation’s Timber Limit Reserve, opportunities for forest-based nature tourism were identified and assessed according to their potential impacts on the livelihoods of local community stakeholders. With the […]

Tourism Economic Opportunity and Investment Strategy Analysis

Tourism Economic Opportunity and Investment Strategy Analysis Date: 2004 EcoPlan conducted a community-based participatory analysis of economic development potentials and impacts on traditional and cultural integrity for eight indigenous communities in Northern Alberta. The project included an analysis of tourism development opportunities, forestry, oil, and gas development.

Tourism and Economic Opportunities Plan

Tourism and Economic Opportunities Plan Date: 2014-2015 This study helped Ditidaht First Nation better understand what kind of opportunities they could pursue, and what kind of tourism projects members would like to see, as the Vancouver Island First Nation works to better manage newly acquired Interim Treaty Agreement lands and explore new economic development opportunities. The project reviewed the tourism […]

Sustainable Transportation Study Tour

Sustainable Transportation Study Tour Date: 2007 EcoPlan conducted a study tour for two Chinese municipal planners with the purpose of showcasing the innovative transportation initiatives that were developed in association with the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The study tour focused specifically on examining contributions to transportation planning made by all levels of decision-makers, […]

Strategic Development Plan for Tourism in Arxan, Inner Mongolia

Strategic Development Plan for Tourism in Arxan, Inner Mongolia Date: 2016 In 2016, EcoPlan worked with the ERTC Consulting Company to develop a year-round tourism plan for Arxan, Inner Mongolia. The project looked to encourage sustainable, nature based tourism that would improve the quality of life of those who lived in the region and advance the […]

Strategic Planning, Inglewood Golf Club; Seattle, Washington

Strategic Planning, Inglewood Golf Club; Seattle, Washington Date: 2006-2009 EPI conducted a participatory and intensive strategic planning process with members and the board of Inglewood Golf Club. The strategic plan was followed up with years of monitoring and evaluation based on the framework and member survey devleoped as part of the project.  

Southern Gulf Islands Community Tourism Strategy

Southern Gulf Islands Community Tourism Strategy Date: 2007-2008 EcoPlan completed a comprehensive community tourism study for the Southern Gulf Islands, a network of six islands off the coast of Vancouver that is a major regional tourist destination. The study helped quantify the indirect and direct economic impacts of tourism using a stakeholder-driven structured decision-making process. Through […]

Skyland Country Club; Crested Butte, CO

Skyland Country Club; Crested Butte, CO Date: 1991 The study established a basis for legal proceeding and expert witness testimony. Market and economic factors provided the rationale for a land residual value analysis to determine the value for the development.  

Silver Creek Resort; Colorado

SilverCreek Resort; Colorado Date: 1989 This study was used as the foundation for legal proceedings and expert testimony. It determined the value of land for compensation purposes. The research also helped to define future development and marketing strategy for the site.  

Shadow Roc Development; Tucson, Arizona

Shadow Roc Development; Tucson, Arizona Date: 1991 Environmental factors greatly impacted valuation of this land parcel in Tucson, slated to be developed as a residential and golf resort project.  

Regional Ecotourism Planning in the Proposed Choco-Andean Biodiversity Corridor

Regional Ecotourism Planning in the Proposed Choco-Andean Biodiversity Corridor Date: 2000 EcoPlan conducted a comprehensive ecotourism planning and feasibility study in the Choco-Andean Corridor of northwestern Ecuador. Using a participatory, community-based planning approach, the study included an analysis of regulatory frameworks, ecological concerns, archeological sites, infrastructure, community capacity, and regional land use factors.

Red Eagle Project; Red River, New Mexico

Red Eagle Project; Red River, New Mexico Date: 1995 This study analyzed feasibility and economic potentials that contribute to a small year round resort community.

Public Golf Course; Pullman, Washington

Public Golf Course; Pullman, Washington Date: 1991 This study showed a comparative site evaluation of several donated land parcels. We made public presentations and discussed the social and financial implications of golf course development. The impacts of seasonal population of this university-town had significant implications on the study results.

Public Golf Course; Port Lavaca, Texas

Public Golf Course; Port Lavaca, Texas Date: 1990 This study primarily analyzed golf course recreation opportunities for local residents, a golf course’s ability to help capture regional growth, and its contribution to the city’s fledgling tourism industry.

Public Golf Course; Nez Pierce County, Idaho

Public Golf Course; Nez Pierce County, Idaho Date: 1990 This analysis determined the viability of developing a public golf course on donated land, and established responsible development expectations based in the reality of the marketplace.

Public Golf Course; Maple Ridge, Utah

Public Golf Course; Maple Ridge, Utah Date: 1991 This analysis focused on outdoor recreation opportunities and potential gains in real estate value.

Public Golf Course; Chisholm, Minnesota

Public Golf Course; Chisholm, Minnesota Date: 1990 This analysis examined the feasibility of using a golf course to rehabilitate an abandoned mine site. This was part of an overall regional tourism strategy.

Public Golf Course; Hurricane, Utah

Public Golf Course; Hurricane, Utah Date: 1990 Economic development opportunities were central to capturing more of the explosive tourism growth in the southwest portion of Utah and distribute tourism growth while capitalizing on tourism interest in Zion National Park.

Oak Park Pool House Design Option Study

Oak Park Pool House Design Option Study Date: 2000 This project involved determining a new use for a redundant building located on the grounds of the Marpole Oakridge Community Centre, one of the main community recreation facilities in south Vancouver. After completing a building integrity study, determining that the building (a former pool house) could […]

Nature of Cities – Professional Development Program

Nature of Cities – Professional Development Program Date: 2003 EcoPlan developed and delivered a professional development workshop for land use professionals and practitioners on urban green space restoration, enhancement and protection. Certified by both the Planning Institute of BC and the BC Society of Landscape Architects for professional development learning credits, the three-hour workshop included […]

Advisor – Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve

Advisor – Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve Date: 1989-present EcoPlan has provided economic, feasibility and planning services to Fundacion Maquipucuna and their Cloud Forest Reserve ( for over two decades. Ecotourism is one of Maquipucuna’s major initiatives for funding the protection and on-going scientific research of the Maquipucuna Reserve and for creating sustainable employment opportunities for neighboring […]

Feasibility Study – Choco-Andean Corridor Biodiversity Project: Ecotourism Component

Feasibility Study – Choco-Andean Corridor Biodiversity Project: Ecotourism Component Date: 2000 EcoPlan conducted this analysis with Fundacion Maquipucuna for the World Bank. It examined the development of a Choco-Andean Rainforest Corridor protected through conservation measures.  The analysis concluded that ecotourism, as a viable economic alternative to forest destruction and unsustainable resource use and as a […]

Municipal Golf Course; Lawson, Missouri

Municipal Golf Course; Lawson, Missouri Date: 1992 This study considered creative financing and donations from the community to develop this local golf course.

Municipal Golf Course; Buckeye, Arizona

Municipal Golf Course; Buckeye, Arizona Date: 1990 In this study, we closely analyzed the influence of vehicle traffic on golf course development in this small isolated town

Municipal Golf Course; Ashland, Oregon

Municipal Golf Course; Ashland, Oregon Date: 1992 This study examined the need for more outdoor recreation and potential revenue in a growing community.

Municipal Golf Course Mining/Landfill Reclamation and Remediation; Anaconda, Montana

Municipal Golf Course Mining/Landfill Reclamation and Remediation; Anaconda, Montana Date: 1990 This analysis looked at the economic feasibility of using innovative remediation techniques with golf course construction to control toxic mining waste and simultaneously spur community economic development. The project focused on a “win-win” solution to the difficult problem of mine waste clean-up.

Land Valuation for Deep Creek Mesa; Telluride, Colorado

Land Valuation for Deep Creek Mesa; Telluride, Colorado Date: 1992 This assignment was land residual value analysis based on market and financial study of a proposed residential, golf and resort project. The output yielded the market value for this four season residential and golf resort project.

Kwik’wastutinuxw Haxwamis First Nation Ecotourism Business Plan

Kwik’wastutinuxw Haxwamis First Nation Ecotourism Business Plan Date: 2012-2013 In 2009, EcoPlan helped KHFN complete an economic development strategy that identified and then focused on ecotourism opportunities. At that time, significant research was conducted into the types of opportunities, the associated costs, timelines for implementation and potential partnerships. In 2013, EcoPlan was again hired by […]

Kaniki Point

Kaniki Point Date: 1993 Meeting the requirements of Ministry of Environment in the Philippines and international lending standards, these studies helped launch the Kaniki Point Resort in the Philippines.

Kalyna Country Tourism Strategy

Kalyna Country Tourism Strategy Date: 2009-2010 EcoPlan was engaged to identify and assess tourism opportunities in the rural Kalyna Country region of Alberta. The project began with an inventory of existing tourism resources, current market trends, and existing strengths and weaknesses. A multi‐stakeholder decision process was used to determine priorities and objectives for tourism development. […]

Kainai Nation Tourism & Economic Opportunities Assessment

Kainai Nation Tourism & Economic Opportunities Assessment Date: 2007 EcoPlan identified economic opportunities and established a long-term sustainable tourism strategy for the Kainai Nation, the largest (geographically) reserve in Canada. Through a structured decision analysis process with key stakeholders and a comprehensive situation assessment process, a 15-year tourism development plan was developed. Prioritized tourism development […]

North Island Tourism Forum

North Island Tourism Forum Date: 2016 In 2016, EcoPlan assisted the Regional District of Mount Waddington with the design and facilitation of a Community-to-Community (C2C) Forum to discuss the tourism sector on Northern Vancouver Island. The Forum looked to identify market opportunities and regional tourism priorities and above all, addressed the question of how North […]

Hesquiaht Coast Trail Feasibility Study

Hesquiaht Coast Trail Feasibility Study Date: 2006 EcoPlan developed a multi-phase trail concept for the Hesquiaht First Nation on Vancouver Island’s West Coast. Project work included a market and development feasibility plan, preliminary routing, design guidelines and costing. When completed, the 88-kilometre trail will travel through and over some of BC’s most spectacular and diverse […]

Hartley Bay Signage

Hartley Bay Signage Date: 2016 The Hartley Bay signage project created a series of interpretive signs for the Hartley Bay Salmon Hatchery and surrounding walking trails. EcoPlan worked closely with the project team at Gitga’at to produce graphically rich and engaging signs, as well as create and source the additional photographs, illustrations, and maps required […]

Fishing Lake Tourism Study

Fishing Lake Tourism Study Date: 1999 Supporting Fishing Lake’s tourism strategy, this analysis examined market and financial feasibility as well as developed site plans for the Reil Beach.

Experience the Gulf Islands Concept Plan

Experience the Gulf Islands Concept Plan Date: 2016 EcoPlan supported the development of Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Using community, partner, and stakeholder input, the structured, strategic plan built on existing island tourism and community initiatives […]

Environmental Sensitivity Areas and Recreational Land Use Evaluation

Environmental Sensitivity Areas and Recreational Land Use Evaluation Date: 1994 EcoPlan helped the UBC Resource Science Department develop a method for evaluating recreational land use priorities from established sources in the Abbotsford region of British Columbia. Research contributed to the creation of the Environmental Sensitivity Area (ESA), which is now in use.

Ecotourism Environmental Evaluation, Venezuela

Ecotourism Environmental Evaluation, Venezuela Date: 1998-1999 EcoPlan conducted an ecotourism development evaluation in Venezuela for DEG – Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany’s finance and consultancy institution for private sector development in the developing countries of the South. EcoPlan conducted a comprehensive due diligence evaluation of ecotourism including environmental, cultural, management, marketing, training and social […]

Ecotourism Environmental and Social Gap-Analysis

Ecotourism Environmental and Social Gap-Analysis Date: 2012 EcoPlan conducted an environmental and social gap-analysis for the purpose of financing the expansion of sustainable tourism operations of Rain Forest Adventures. A range of methods was employed including desk analysis, field investigations of operations in Jamaica and Costa Rica and research to determine overall corporate responsibility and […]

EcoTourism Boat Business Feasibility Analysis

EcoTourism Boat Business Feasibility Analysis Date: 2008-2009 EcoPlan conducted a feasibility study that assessed the purchase of a boat by a small, isolated, and Aboriginal community on the coast of British Columbia. This boat purchase was identified as a tourism opportunity to provide wilderness ecotours to visitors while also providing the local population with access […]

Driftpile First Nation Culture Park Costing

Driftpile First Nation Culture Park Costing Date: 2011 One of the priority tourism opportunities identified in an earlier assessment carried out by EcoPlan was a culture park and learning centre. EcoPlan was retained by Driftpile First Nation to develop a concept plan, preliminary design and site program for this facility on band-owned land adjoining their […]