Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All

Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All – A Case for Investment Working collaboratively with the Capital Regional District and Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic SustainabilityCommission,EcoPlan helped develop Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Designed to [...]

Building Urban Economic Resilience Through COVID-19

Building Urban Economic Resilience During and After COVID-19 EcoPlan International supported the United Nations  Economic Commission for Africa with  "Building Urban Economic Resilience During and After COVID-19", which aimed to fortify local governments' capacities to create and monitor resilient COVID-19 response plans. This initiative, carried out in partnership with UNECA, UN-HABITAT, and UNCDF, focuses on [...]

Metro Vancouver Resilient Region Strategic Framework

Metro Vancouver Resilient Region Strategic Framework Client: Metro Vancouver Dates: 2020-2021 Metro Vancouver engaged EcoPlan to help with the development of a framework to support and guide the incorporation of resiliency and equity into all their work. The purpose of the framework is to improve the institutional capacity of Metro Vancouver to manage change, including [...]

Stewardship Technicians Training Program

Stewardship Technicians Training Program Client: Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative Date: 2019-2020   The Stewardship Technicians Training Program is a pilot project by Coastal First Nations (CFN) in partnership with Vancouver Island University. The program provides technical and leadership training to meet CFN stewardship needs throughout the North Coast, Central Coast and Haida Gwaii. [...]

Mt Currie Village British Columbia Planning

Mt. Currie Village Planning EcoPlan worked with Lil’wat Nation to create the design for the Mount Currie Village in British Columbia. The project explored design options for the future heart and centre of the Mt. Currie community by gathering input on values, guiding principles and options from residents and Nation Members. Using a highly visual, [...]

Planning for Climate Change Guidebook & Toolkit

Planning for Climate Change – Guidebook and Toolkit Winner of a Planning Institute of BC 2015 Award for Planning Excellence in Research & New Directions in Planning,the guide is UN-Habitat’s principal capacity building and climate change planning resource for its Cities and Climate Change Initiative, active in over 40 cities around the world. Planning for [...]

Alberta Métis Cultural
Loss and Non-Market
Valuation Analysis

Alberta Métis Cultural Loss and Non-Market Valuation Analysis EcoPlan was commissioned by the Métis Settlements of Paddle Prairie, Peavine, Gift Lake, and Kikino to conduct value analyses in order to determine net compensatory losses resulting from surface disturbances caused by ongoing petroleum development activity. EcoPlan employed a broad range of research and analysis techniques including [...]

Various Projects

Musqueam – Various Projects EcoPlan has worked with Musqueam First Nation since beginning a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) in 2008. Winner of a 2011 provincial Award of Excellence for Planning Practice, Musqueam’s CCP was an ambitious multi-year project that included over 10 additional studies and strategies over the course of the four-year project, all the [...]


Elevate Abbotsford EcoPlan worked with the City of Abbotsford to create an economic development strategy that provides the team from the City of Abbotsford’s Economic Development department (CAED) with direction, strategies, and actions to guide their work over the next three years. EcoPlan facilitated an Innovation Forum that brought together dozens of innovators from across [...]

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Guidebook and Toolkit

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Guidebook and Toolkit To support healthy transportation and community planning in the Lower Mainland and the rest of BC, Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health Authorities, TransLink, and several other organizations worked together to develop a guidebook and corresponding toolkit for health impact assessments. EcoPlan led the development of the [...]

Socio-cultural Impact Assessmentt

Socio-cultural Impact Assessment: Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion As part of the National Energy Board (NEB) review process of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP), Matsqui First Nation commissioned EcoPlan to conduct a socio-cultural impact assessment of the proposed pipeline that would pass through their traditional territory. Our approach to this impact assessment and the techniques [...]

Experience the Gulf Islands (ETGI)

Experience the Gulf Islands (ETGI) Working collaboratively with the Capital Regional District and Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic SustainabilityCommission,EcoPlan helped develop Experience the Gulf Islands, a unique inter-island community tourism strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano, Mayne, North and South Pender, Salt Spring, Saturna).  Designed to build on and support existing island tourism and [...]

TransLink Structured Decision Support Training

TransLink Structured Decision Support Training and Capacity Building Working with other experts in the field of structured decision-making (Mike Harstone of Compass Resource Management, Dr. Robin Gregory of Value Scope Research, and Basil Stumborg, BC Hydro’s Decision Analysis Expert for Energy Planning and Economic Development), EcoPlan developed and delivered a three-day structured decision-making (SDM) course [...]

Cormorant Island
Economic Development

Tides of Change: Cormorant Island Joint Economic Development Strategy Winner of a 2016 International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Core Values Award, Tides of Change was a joint economic development strategy developed with ‘Namgis First Nation and the Village of Alert Bay on Northern Vancouver Island. One of the first such joint projects in Canada, [...]

Swinomish Coastal Climate Impacts: Community Health Impact Assessment

Date: 2016 -2017 As part of the Swinomish project on The Science for Sustainable and Healthy Tribes – Climate Change Impacts: Coastal Climate Impacts to First Foods, Cultural Sites, and Tribal Community Health and Well-being, Swinomish wanted to get community input on coastal climate impacts to community health and well-being, and to assess and prioritize […]

Translink Strategic Health Impact Assessment (SHIA)

Translink Strategic Health Impact Assessment (SHIA) EPI supported TransLink in undertaking a structured decision process with health professionals from around the region and other parts of British Columbia. The purpose was to review the draft Strategic Health Impact Assessment being developed to aid in the generation and evaluation of alternatives under consideration for TransLink’s Regional […]

Translink Structured Decision-Making Course

Translink Structured Decision-Making Course Date: 2013 Working with other experts in the field of structured decision-making (Mike Harstone of Compass Resource Management, Dr. Robin Gregory of Value Scope Research, and Basil Stumborg, BC Hydro’s Decision Analysis Expert for Energy Planning and Economic Development), EcoPlan developed and delivered a three day structured decision-making (SDM) course for Translink […]

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Date: 2012 EcoPlan, in partnership with Diamond Head Consulting, developed the City of Surrey’s leading edge Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS). The work was built on past planning initiatives, including the Ecosystem Management Study and Surrey’s Sustainability Charter. The results of this project informed large scale community planning, as well as secondary plans and regulatory […]

Species at Risk Workshop Facilitation

Species at Risk Workshop Facilitation Date: 2010 EcoPlan facilitated a workshop for members of the Canadian Electricity Association, the Canadian Hydropower Association, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Environment Canada to explore the permitting implications of the Species At Risk Act (SARA). The overall objective was to identify regulatory mechanisms that would enable effective […]

Southern Gulf Islands Community Tourism Strategy

Southern Gulf Islands Community Tourism Strategy Date: 2007-2008 EcoPlan completed a comprehensive community tourism study for the Southern Gulf Islands, a network of six islands off the coast of Vancouver that is a major regional tourist destination. The study helped quantify the indirect and direct economic impacts of tourism using a stakeholder-driven structured decision-making process. Through […]

Solid Waste Management Planning (Philippines)

Solid Waste Management Planning (Philippines) Date: 1996=1997 Working with CIDA, the Canadian Urban Institute and the Philippines National Government, EcoPlan developed a multi-stakeholder approach to solid waste management. Our team examined all aspects of an integrated solid waste management strategy using an approach that has since been widely adopted and implemented around the world.  

Mt. Currie Active Transportation Plan

Mt. Currie Active Transportation Plan Date: 2009 EcoPlan worked with a multi-stakeholder community group representing Elders, senior staff and community workers to develop an Active Transportation Strategy for the community of Mt. Currie in southwestern BC. The project included a structured decision-making process in which the stakeholder group identified and ranked community health and mobility […]

Monitoring and Evaluation for Regional Growth Strategy Implementation

Monitoring and Evaluation for Regional Growth Strategy Implementation Date: 2012 Working with the Regional District of North Okanagan on their M&E Strategy, EcoPlan created a best practice example for all Regional Districts of a successful RGS-specific M&E program – one that is participatory, has learning as a core objective, and that actively engages community members […]

Metro Vancouver Consultation and Community Relations Services

Metro Vancouver Consultation and Community Relations Services Date: 2014-present In mid-2014 EcoPlan was selected for a standing offer with Metro Vancouver’s Liquid Waste Services and Water Services departments to provide on-going, and as-needed engagement and planning support services. To date, this work has included First Nations engagement, document review and development, and most recently a […]

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Client: City of Surrey Date: 2012 EcoPlan, in partnership with Diamond Head Consulting, developed the City of Surrey’s leading edge Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS). The work was built on past planning initiatives, including the Ecosystem Management Study and Surrey’s Sustainability Charter. The results of this project informed large scale community planning, as […]

BC Parks LEAF Project (Land Evaluation and Acquisition Framework)

BC Parks LEAF Project (Land Evaluation and Acquisition Framework) Client: BC Parks Date: 2001-2002 EcoPlan developed a decision framework and software tool to evaluate and prioritize private properties under the management of BC Parks’ Protected Area System. The model, called the Land Evaluation and Acquisition Framework (LEAF), has helped BC Parks make more informed, transparent, […]

Islands Trust First Nations Consultation Strategy

Islands Trust First Nations Consultation Strategy Date: 2012 EcoPlan worked with the Islands Trust First Nations Task Force to identify priorities that could be used as the basis for a First Nations Consultation Strategy.  Over the course of two meetings the Task Force worked through a deliberative and structured process based on EcoPlan’s four-phase, ten-step […]

Integrated Marine Use Planning

Integrated Marine Use Planning Date: 2011 North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society (NCSFNSS) was established in 2005 to enable First Nations people on BC’s North Coast and Lower Skeena River to collaborate on projects where they share common interests and objectives. EcoPlan provided technical and process support to NCSFNSS on their work to develop […]

Informed Decision Making: The Interaction Between Sustainable Maternity Care Services and Community

Informed Decision Making: The Interaction Between Sustainable Maternity Care Services and Community Date: 2007-2008 EcoPlan worked with BC’s Northern Health Authority in the development of a decision tool for rural maternity care. The project identified a full range of stakeholders, criteria, objectives and alternatives to deliver effective and appropriate maternity care throughout the predominantly rural […]

Incorporating Local Knowledge in Decision Making: The National Science Foundation

Incorporating Local Knowledge in Decision Making: The National Science Foundation Date: 2007 EcoPlan worked with a multi-disciplinary group of professionals to conduct practical research on and examine case studies of the incorporation of different types of knowledge in decision-making. First Nations and local community knowledge were examined next to scientific and expert knowledge.

Forest Renewal BC Biodiversity Decision Framework

Forest Renewal BC Biodiversity Decision Framework Date: 2004 EcoPlan worked with the Nature Trust of BC, Forest Renewal BC and a special project Advisory Board to develop a decision framework for identifying high priority, biodiverse land parcels for acquisition. EcoPlan led the development of a defensible and effective decision support framework for making property acquisition […]

Driftpile First Nation Enterprise Forum

Driftpile First Nation Enterprise Forum Date: 2012 EcoPlan designed and delivered an economic development forum with the Council and key staff from Driftpile First Nation. The focus of the forum was on enterprise governance – specifically on developing an economic development corporation that clearly separates business from politics with a focus on wealth creation and […]

Crown of the Continent Tourism Gap Analysis

Crown of the Continent Tourism Gap Analysis Date: 2009-2010 EcoPlan worked with the Tourism Product Development Branch of Alberta Tourism, Parks, and Recreation to conduct a gap analysis related to tourism products, services, and infrastructure in the southwest region of Alberta. This involved extensive research and analysis surrounding tourism market trends, visitation trends, and sectoral […]

Coquitlam River Flood Management Process

Coquitlam River Flood Management Process Date: 2009 EcoPlan provided technical support and facilitation services in a decision-support project to address flood hazard mitigation issues on the Coquitlam River. This project was initiated following an appeal to the existing Coquitlam Water Use Plan (WUP). A planning process was designed in order to gain an improved understanding […]

BC Hydro Flood Management

BC Hydro Flood Management Date: 2008-2009 EPI lead this successful structured decision process to develop a comprehensive flood hazard mitigation plan on the Coquitlam River. The process was designed as a technical exercise lead by a core Project Team that included representatives from: BC Hydro, City of Coquitlam, City of Port Coquitlam, Kwikwetlem First Nation […]

BC Hydro Clowholm

BC Hydro Clowholm Date: 2003 EcoPlan provided facilitation and decision analysis support to the Clowhom Water Use Plan Consultative Committee, which came to a consensus agreement on a package of recommendations. The Clowhom Reservoir lies in a steep-sided valley at the head of Salmon Inlet and at the edge of the Tantalus Range, 32 km […]

Central Okanagan Regional Growth Strategy Preliminary Consultation Process

Central Okanagan Regional Growth Strategy Preliminary Consultation Process Date: 2010-2011 EPI was engaged by the Regional District of Central Okanagan to support the preliminary consultation process for its Regional Growth Strategy review process. This work included the development and implementation of an education and awareness campaign around the Regional Growth Strategy project and the broader […]

BC Hydro Decision Analysis Software Evaluation

BC Hydro Decision Analysis Software Evaluation Date: 2004 EcoPlan conducted a review of decision analysis computer software programs in order to make recommendations for adopting one or more of these programs for use in public planning initiatives and group decision-making processes. The review looked at opportunities, challenges, shortcomings, options and results of decision software.

Puerto Rico EPA

Puerto Rico EPA Date: 2012-2013 Values Scope and EPI were contracted by the EPA to facilitate a “public values forum” workshop held in Guánica, Puerto Rico.

Community Economic Development Training

Community Economic Development Training Date: 2011 EcoPlan delivered  a one day training to members of CANDO on economic development strategic planning.

Costa Rica Pineapple Conflict

Costa Rica Pineapple Conflict Date: 2011 EcoPlan supported a training session was on how to apply structured decision support to the challenges of agricultural development in Costa Rica.


MIB CEOP Date: 2012 EcoPlan helped to develop community economic development operations plan.

Lillooet- St’at’imc Economic Development

Lillooet- St’at’imc Economic Development Date: 2008 EcoPlan was contracted by the Squamish- Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) to identify economic development opportunities to benefit the study area, consisting of the District of Lillooet, SLRD Electorial Areas A & B, and six of the Northern St’at’imc communities.

LED Egypt – Training and Strategi Planning

LED Egypt – Training and Strategi Planning Date: 2007 EcoPlan developed a local economic development (LED) training series in partnership with UN-HABITAT, through a process of research, peer review and field‐testing.

Snohomish, Washington Watershed Plan

Snohomish, Washington Watershed Plan Date: 1991 EcoPlan provided support to a major public process devoted to developing a watershed plan for Snohomish Basin, which includes Seattle, Everett and many outlying rural communities. EcoPlan initially provided training to staff in the use of decision-aiding tools and public process alternatives. Following this, EcoPlan provided on-going consulting support, […]

Musqueam Legacy Funding Decision Analysis

Musqueam Legacy Funding Decision Analysis Date: 2010 EcoPlan conducted a rigorous analytical and community engagement process to determine how to utilize $17 million in 2010 Legacy Dollars. This project involved custom decision analysis and community involvement tools (including personal interview surveys, web-based surveys, focus groups and workshops) to align policy with community needs and values. […]

BC Hydro – Haida Renewable Energy Project

BC Hydro – Haida Renewable Energy Project Date: 2008 EcoPlan supported a structured decision process to develop RFP for multi-million dollar approach to renewable energy on Haida Gwaii.