Metro Vancouver Resilient Region Strategic Framework

Metro Vancouver Resilient Region Strategic Framework Client: Metro Vancouver Dates: 2020-2021 Metro Vancouver engaged EcoPlan to help with the development of a framework to support and guide the incorporation of resiliency and equity into all their work. The purpose of the framework is to improve the institutional capacity of Metro Vancouver to manage change, including [...]

Mt Currie Village British Columbia Planning

Mt. Currie Village Planning EcoPlan worked with Lil’wat Nation to create the design for the Mount Currie Village in British Columbia. The project explored design options for the future heart and centre of the Mt. Currie community by gathering input on values, guiding principles and options from residents and Nation Members. Using a highly visual, [...]

Various Projects

Musqueam – Various Projects EcoPlan has worked with Musqueam First Nation since beginning a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) in 2008. Winner of a 2011 provincial Award of Excellence for Planning Practice, Musqueam’s CCP was an ambitious multi-year project that included over 10 additional studies and strategies over the course of the four-year project, all the [...]

Comprehensive Community Planning Training

Comprehensive Community Planning Guidebook and Training EcoPlan worked with the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF) to develop a Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and supporting training program for NADF affiliated communities in Northern Ontario. The toolkit is designed as a step-by-step resource for First Nations staff and leadership who are involved in resourcing and delivering a [...]

Coastal Adaptation Plan – Fraser River Foreshore

Coastal Adaptation Plan – Fraser River Foreshore Coastal Adaptation Plan – Fraser River Foreshore Client: City of Vancouver Date: 2017 - 2018 EcoPlan led a project with support from Northwest Hydraulics Consulting (NHC) and Connect Landscape Architecture on the City of Vancouver’s Coastal Adaptation Plan. The project explored the City’s most at-risk coastal flood hazard [...]


MAP Strathcona With grant support from the Real Estate Foundation of BC, the Strathcona Business Improvement Association (SBIA) undertook a unique and innovative project to develop a Mobility Advocacy Plan (MAP) for the business district - the first of its kind in Canada. Incorporating the context of changing land-use plans and new developments within and [...]

Giiwedaa – Comprehensive Community Plan

Giiwedaa – Comprehensive Community Plan and Update Winner of the 2013 Award for Planning Excellence in Aboriginal Planning and Development from the Canadian Institute of Planners, EcoPlan worked with the Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek First Nation to develop a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) and Land Use Plan for a new reserve secured in 2008 by the formerly [...]

Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS)

Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS) Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy Client: City of Surrey Dates: 2016 – 2019 As part of a larger project team led by Northwest Hydraulics Consulting (NHC), EcoPlan supported the City of Surrey on a five-phase project to develop a Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS) for the City’s coastal floodplain [...]

Land Use Mapping and Interview Guide

Land Use Mapping and Interview Guide Client: Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation EPI supported KHFN with training and development of a TUS mapping framework and an interview guide. KHFN then conducted their own TUS study.

Yale First Nation Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan

Yale First Nation Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan Date: 2012-2014 EcoPlan worked with Colliers International and Yale First Nation, BC’s newest Treaty First Nation, to develop a Comprehensive Community Plan and supporting Land Use Plan for the Nation’s Treaty Settlement Lands and former reserve areas. Due to funding and Treaty implementation obligations, the […]

Xwísten Traditional Use Lands Study

Xwísten Traditional Use Lands Study Date: 2014-2015 Land tenure on First Nation reserves can be complicated. Without clarity of tenure, it can create community conflict and stall community development. EcoPlan worked with Xwísten (Bridge River Indian Band) to tackle this challenging issue. Through research and interviews, EcoPlan and Xwísten developed a greater understanding of family […]

Whistler Waldorf Site Plan

Whistler Waldorf Site Plan Date: 2012 Working with the Whistler Waldorf School, a private educational institution ranging from pre-school to high school levels, EcoPlan developed a conceptual site plan and policy analysis for a new school permanent school to be sited at the location of the existing temporary school.  The project included working with the Resort […]

South Cariboo Official Community Plan

South Cariboo Official Community Plan Date: 2015-? EcoPlan was retained to support the Arlington Group in an update of the South Cariboo Area OCP. The OCP Update includes multi-faceted public consultation throughout the process, including a project Advisory Committee and local First Nations engagement.  Other areas addressed in the OCP update include a review of ALR […]

Solid Waste Management Planning (Philippines)

Solid Waste Management Planning (Philippines) Date: 1996=1997 Working with CIDA, the Canadian Urban Institute and the Philippines National Government, EcoPlan developed a multi-stakeholder approach to solid waste management. Our team examined all aspects of an integrated solid waste management strategy using an approach that has since been widely adopted and implemented around the world.  

Powell River Regional District Zoning Materials

Powell River Regional District Zoning Materials Date: Following the 2013 adoption of the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Electoral Area C, the Powell River Regional District (PRRD) contracted EcoPlan to support a community engagement process to gauge community interest in developing a “companion land use bylaw” to help support the implementation of the OCP. EcoPlan […]

Powell River Regional District/Tla’amin First Nation Regional Land Use Harmonization

Powell River Regional District/Tla’amin First Nation Regional Land Use Harmonization Date: 2008 EcoPlan worked with the Tla’amin First Nation and the Powell River Regional District (PRRD) to identify opportunities for coordinating land use planning between the two governments, for potential Treaty Settlement Lands Tla’amin had identified as part of their treaty negotiations. The project resulted […]

Peavine Métis Settlement Non-market Value Analysis

Peavine Métis Settlement Non-market Value Analysis Date: 2000-2002 The Peavine Métis Settlement commissioned EcoPlan to conduct a value analysis to determine a comprehensive dollar-based measure of compensation for non-market losses resulting from the construction and operation of the South Heart Reservoir. EcoPlan conducted interviews with Settlement members to explore the current and historical issues surrounding […]

Nature of Cities – Professional Development Program

Nature of Cities – Professional Development Program Date: 2003 EcoPlan developed and delivered a professional development workshop for land use professionals and practitioners on urban green space restoration, enhancement and protection. Certified by both the Planning Institute of BC and the BC Society of Landscape Architects for professional development learning credits, the three-hour workshop included […]

Powell River Official Community Plan Update

Powell River Official Community Plan Update Client: City of Powell River Date: 2013-2014 EcoPlan worked with a planning team led by the Arlington Group on updating the City of Powell River’s 2005 Official Community Plan. EcoPlan helped plan and deliver the community engagement component and coordinated planning collaboration with Tla’amin Nation, BC’s most recent Treaty […]

Electoral Area “D-1” OCP Update

Electoral Area “D-1” OCP Update Client: Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen Date: 2014-2016 EcoPlan led a larger project team that included the Arlington Group on an update of the Official Community Plan for Electoral Area “D-1” in the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen (RDOS). With a small and dispersed rural population, the project has employed a […]

Squamish Downtown Neighbourhood Plan

Squamish Downtown Neighbourhood Plan Client: District of Squamish Date: 2013-2014 EcoPlan worked with a larger project team to update and finalize the Squamish Downtown Neighbourhood Plan. As part of the Downtown Squamish Transformation Initiative, the project included a substantial economic development review to ensure that the revised plan addresses existing economic challenges, better integrates economic […]

Town of Oliver OCP Update

Town of Oliver OCP Update Client: Town of Oliver Date: 2016-2017 With the support of the Arlington Group, EcoPlan led a project to review and update the Town of Oliver’s Official Community Plan. The project included a focus on downtown revitalization, including new and simplified design guidelines for the area, and the development of supportive policies across […]

BC Parks LEAF Project (Land Evaluation and Acquisition Framework)

BC Parks LEAF Project (Land Evaluation and Acquisition Framework) Client: BC Parks Date: 2001-2002 EcoPlan developed a decision framework and software tool to evaluate and prioritize private properties under the management of BC Parks’ Protected Area System. The model, called the Land Evaluation and Acquisition Framework (LEAF), has helped BC Parks make more informed, transparent, […]

Squamish Employment Lands Strategy

Squamish Employment Lands Strategy Client: District of Squamish Dates: 2014 – 2015 EcoPlan worked with the District of Squamish on the development of an Employment Lands Strategy for the district municipality. The project built off the District’s current planning work (e.g., OCP and Zoning update, Downtown Neighbourhood Plan, Oceanfront Development) to help ensure that employment […]

Musqueam Land Use Plan

Musqueam Land Use Plan Date: 2010 EcoPlan worked with the Musqueam Indian Band to develop a land use plan for Musqueam’s three reserves, recently acquired settlement lands in the City of Vancouver, and fee-simple lands owned by the band and located throughout the Lower Mainland. The community-driven project was integrated with Musqueam’s larger comprehensive community […]

Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nations Land Use Planning Training

Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nations Land Use Planning Training Date: 2008 EcoPlan developed a Land Use Mapping Interview and Training Guide for KHFN that demonstrated effective ways of mapping and recording traditional land use and related oral histories to assist with KHFN’s future land use planning. The guide was used by KHFN to identify and designate […]

Integrated Marine Use Planning

Integrated Marine Use Planning Date: 2011 North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society (NCSFNSS) was established in 2005 to enable First Nations people on BC’s North Coast and Lower Skeena River to collaborate on projects where they share common interests and objectives. EcoPlan provided technical and process support to NCSFNSS on their work to develop […]

Metro Vancouver Green Infrastructure Network Resources Guide

Metro Vancouver Green Infrastructure Network Resources Guide Date: 2013 EcoPlan supported project lead Diamond Head Consulting in the development of Connecting the Dots: A Regional Green Infrastructure Network for Metro Vancouver.  This guide is intended to help Metro Vancouver planners, leaders, and community members to understand the principles, technologies and applications of green infrastructure projects, such as permeable […]

Hartley Bay Signage

Hartley Bay Signage Date: 2016 The Hartley Bay signage project created a series of interpretive signs for the Hartley Bay Salmon Hatchery and surrounding walking trails. EcoPlan worked closely with the project team at Gitga’at to produce graphically rich and engaging signs, as well as create and source the additional photographs, illustrations, and maps required […]

Greater Vancouver Regional District Sustainable Region Initiative Case Studies

Greater Vancouver Regional District Sustainable Region Initiative Case Studies Date: 2002-2003 EcoPlan staff researched and developed over 30 case studies of projects in the Greater Vancouver Regional District (now Metro Vancouver) that are helping to advance sustainability in the region. Case studies included green energy, housing, park planning, transportation, eco-industrial networking, waste reduction and greenhouse […]

Greater Vancouver Livable Centres Program

Greater Vancouver Livable Centres Program Date: 2003 EcoPlan staff worked with the Greater Vancouver Regional District’s (now Metro Vancouver) Livable Region Strategic Plan, a program that encouraged the development of a compact, livable metropolitan region, with a core and eight regional town centres. In 2003, the GVRD partnered with the provincial Ministry of Community Services […]

Forest Renewal BC Biodiversity Decision Framework

Forest Renewal BC Biodiversity Decision Framework Date: 2004 EcoPlan worked with the Nature Trust of BC, Forest Renewal BC and a special project Advisory Board to develop a decision framework for identifying high priority, biodiverse land parcels for acquisition. EcoPlan led the development of a defensible and effective decision support framework for making property acquisition […]

Fernie Official Community Plan Update

Fernie Official Community Plan Update Date: 2012-2014 Having recently completed its first Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), the City of Fernie need to update its ten-year-old Official Community Plan (OCP) to align with the ICSP and to better incorporate emerging sustainability issues and strategies. EcoPlan worked in partnership with the Whistler Centre for Sustainability on […]

Environmental Sensitivity Areas and Recreational Land Use Evaluation

Environmental Sensitivity Areas and Recreational Land Use Evaluation Date: 1994 EcoPlan helped the UBC Resource Science Department develop a method for evaluating recreational land use priorities from established sources in the Abbotsford region of British Columbia. Research contributed to the creation of the Environmental Sensitivity Area (ESA), which is now in use.

District Strategic Development Planning (Palestine)

District Strategic Development Planning (Palestine) Date: 2007 EcoPlan created a participatory planning manual and facilitator’s guide that served as the first comprehensive roadmap for regional planning in occupied Palestinian territories (oPt).  Its process and tools are utilized in establishing District Strategic Development Plans, the guiding strategies for regional land use planning and development in the […]

Cowichan Valley Regional District Official Community Plan

Cowichan Valley Regional District Official Community Plan Date: 2007-2009 Working with a larger consultant team led by SmartGrowth BC, EcoPlan helped coordinate the first phase of a multi-phase process to prepare a new, integrated Official Community Plan for Electoral Areas B (Shawnigan Lake) and C (Cobble Hill) in the Cowichan Valley Regional District. EcoPlan managed […]

Cowichan Tribes Land Use Planning Project

Cowichan Tribes Land Use Planning Project Date: 2008 Building on previous work with Cowichan Tribes, EcoPlan is currently supporting the completion of a Land Use Plan (LUP). In 2013/14 EcoPlan worked with Cowichan Tribes in developing a Land Use Planning Framework (LUF), that set the stage for the LUP. The LUF detailed ‘Potential Furture Land […]

Cowichan Tribes Comprehensive Community Plan & Land Use Framework

Coquitlam River Flood Management Process Date: 2012-2013 Cowichan Tribes, the largest First Nation in BC, worked with EcoPlan to create a pair of guiding planning documents for the community – a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) and Land Use Framework. Initial meetings identified that Cowichan Tribes lacked a trained and experienced community planner. Throughout the project […]

Comox Valley Regional District Regional Growth Strategy

Comox Valley Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Date: 2011-2013 Working with a larger consultant team, EcoPlan helped lead the development of a Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) for the Comox Valley Regional District. The RGS is unique in its use of clear, objective-based measures for its policy sections. These indicators are clearly linked to and coordinated […]

Coldwater Indian Band Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan

Coldwater Indian Band Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan Date: 2012-2013 EcoPlan worked with Coldwater First Nation on a Comprehensive Community Plan and Land Use Plan to guide decision-making and lands management in the community’s future development.  While completed in little over six months (comparable projects typically lasting 12 to 18 months), the project […]

City of Powell River Official Community Plan Update

City of Powell River Official Community Plan Update Date: 2012-2013 EcoPlan worked with a planning team led by the Arlington Group on updating the City of Powell River’s 2005 Official Community Plan. EcoPlan co-managed the community engagement component and coordinating planning collaboration with Tla’amin Nation, BC’s latest Treaty First Nation. EcoPlan was also responsible for […]

City of Powell River Arts, Culture & Creative Sector Initiative

City of Powell River Arts, Culture & Creative Sector Initiative Date: 2011-2013 EcoPlan staff worked with the City of Powell River, Tourism Powell River and other stakeholders throughout the region to identify assets and opportunities for economic development opportunities in the arts/ culture sectors. Local arts and culture individuals, businesses and organizations were inventoried using […]

Central Okanagan Regional Growth Strategy Preliminary Consultation Process

Central Okanagan Regional Growth Strategy Preliminary Consultation Process Date: 2010-2011 EPI was engaged by the Regional District of Central Okanagan to support the preliminary consultation process for its Regional Growth Strategy review process. This work included the development and implementation of an education and awareness campaign around the Regional Growth Strategy project and the broader […]

Buffalo Lake Cultural Education and Contemporary Skills Development

Buffalo Lake Cultural Education and Contemporary Skills Development Date: 2016-2017 Building on a Traditional Land Use (TLU) and Historical Communities (HC) Study completed in 2004, the Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement (BLMS) hired EcoPlan to develop and facilitate an educational program exploring Métis culture, history and migration though mapping technologies. With input from BLMS teachers, researchers […]

Block F- University Endowment Lands Rezoning

Block F- University Endowment Lands Rezoning Date: 2012-2013 EcoPlan worked as part of a larger team to assist Musqueam Indian Band in rezoning a parcel of land known as ‘Block F’ located in the University Endowment Lands near UBC.  This land, part of Musqueam’s unceded traditional territory, was returned to Musqueam Indian Band as part […]

Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy Phase 2 and 3

Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy Phase 2 and 3 Date: 2017+ EcoPlan and NHC are working with Surrey to help prepare the city for a changing climate and help our coastal communities become more resilient, with focus on Surrey’s coastal floodplain area.

Campbell River Downtown Revitalization

Campbell River Downtown Revitalization Date: 2013 EcoPlan conducted a strategic review with Council to develop a clear path for downtown revitalization.

Community Economic Development Training

Community Economic Development Training Date: 2011 EcoPlan delivered  a one day training to members of CANDO on economic development strategic planning.

Tsawwassen Golf & Country Club – Market Study

Tsawwassen Golf & Country Club – Market Study Date: 2006 A study of the highest and best use of the site is underway from both a land planning perspective as well as from a financial perspective.  These two analyses will be coordinated to provide specific recommendations for the subject parcel.  Scenarios under consideration include: 1.      […]