Supporting First Nations through Custom Election Code Initiatives

Supporting First Nations through Custom Election Code Initiatives Supporting First Nations through Custom Election Code Initiatives EcoPlan International is excited to share our work in helping First Nations communities run their own elections. We've been supporting several communities in their effort to  decide how they want to run their elections instead of having to follow [...]

The Town of Oliver: Active Transportation and Downtown Beautification

The Town of Oliver: Active Transportation and Downtown Beautification EcoPlan supported the Town of Oliver in implementing its Economic Development Strategy (which we also supported).  The Elements of this plan incorporates active transportation, wayfinding, and downtown beautification. Each of these are discussed below. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION Active transportation includes any form of human powered transportation: walking [...]

Sea2City Design

Sea2City Design Challenge Sea2City Design Challenge Client: City of Vancouver Dates: 2021-2023 EcoPlan was on the consulting team for this award winning  [W1] city of Vancouver Project. The Sea2City Design Challenge (see video) was a collaborative design challenge focused on reimagining the future of the False Creek shoreline. Over a 12-month period, the project united [...]

Metro Vancouver Resilient Region Strategic Framework

Metro Vancouver Resilient Region Strategic Framework Client: Metro Vancouver Dates: 2020-2021 Metro Vancouver engaged EcoPlan to help with the development of a framework to support and guide the incorporation of resiliency and equity into all their work. The purpose of the framework is to improve the institutional capacity of Metro Vancouver to manage change, including [...]

Mt Currie Village British Columbia Planning

Mt. Currie Village Planning EcoPlan worked with Lil’wat Nation to create the design for the Mount Currie Village in British Columbia. The project explored design options for the future heart and centre of the Mt. Currie community by gathering input on values, guiding principles and options from residents and Nation Members. Using a highly visual, [...]

St George Alaska Economic Development

“Rebuilding Our Future” Kayutuuxtxin Tanagnangin Igayuusalix angagiimchin agnaxtxichin - St George Alaska Local Economic Development Strategy Summary of Results An actionable economic development strategy and 11 working papers, housed on a public website Support for funding and implementation of key projects, such as the $164 million St. George Harbor. A feature write-up with the American [...]

Various Projects

Musqueam – Various Projects EcoPlan has worked with Musqueam First Nation since beginning a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) in 2008. Winner of a 2011 provincial Award of Excellence for Planning Practice, Musqueam’s CCP was an ambitious multi-year project that included over 10 additional studies and strategies over the course of the four-year project, all the [...]

Comprehensive Community Planning Training

Comprehensive Community Planning Guidebook and Training EcoPlan worked with the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF) to develop a Comprehensive Community Planning Toolkit and supporting training program for NADF affiliated communities in Northern Ontario. The toolkit is designed as a step-by-step resource for First Nations staff and leadership who are involved in resourcing and delivering a [...]

Regional Growth Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation

Regional Growth Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation Winner of the 2014 Award of Excellence for Applied Planning from the Planning Institute of BC, the Regional District of North Okanagan Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy is considered a best practice example of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) program – one that is participatory, has learning as a core objective, [...]

Coastal Adaptation Plan – Fraser River Foreshore

Coastal Adaptation Plan – Fraser River Foreshore Coastal Adaptation Plan – Fraser River Foreshore Client: City of Vancouver Date: 2017 - 2018 EcoPlan led a project with support from Northwest Hydraulics Consulting (NHC) and Connect Landscape Architecture on the City of Vancouver’s Coastal Adaptation Plan. The project explored the City’s most at-risk coastal flood hazard [...]


MAP Strathcona With grant support from the Real Estate Foundation of BC, the Strathcona Business Improvement Association (SBIA) undertook a unique and innovative project to develop a Mobility Advocacy Plan (MAP) for the business district - the first of its kind in Canada. Incorporating the context of changing land-use plans and new developments within and [...]


Elevate Abbotsford EcoPlan worked with the City of Abbotsford to create an economic development strategy that provides the team from the City of Abbotsford’s Economic Development department (CAED) with direction, strategies, and actions to guide their work over the next three years. EcoPlan facilitated an Innovation Forum that brought together dozens of innovators from across [...]

Socio-cultural Impact Assessmentt

Socio-cultural Impact Assessment: Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion As part of the National Energy Board (NEB) review process of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP), Matsqui First Nation commissioned EcoPlan to conduct a socio-cultural impact assessment of the proposed pipeline that would pass through their traditional territory. Our approach to this impact assessment and the techniques [...]

TransLink Structured Decision Support Training

TransLink Structured Decision Support Training and Capacity Building Working with other experts in the field of structured decision-making (Mike Harstone of Compass Resource Management, Dr. Robin Gregory of Value Scope Research, and Basil Stumborg, BC Hydro’s Decision Analysis Expert for Energy Planning and Economic Development), EcoPlan developed and delivered a three-day structured decision-making (SDM) course [...]

Giiwedaa – Comprehensive Community Plan

Giiwedaa – Comprehensive Community Plan and Update Winner of the 2013 Award for Planning Excellence in Aboriginal Planning and Development from the Canadian Institute of Planners, EcoPlan worked with the Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek First Nation to develop a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) and Land Use Plan for a new reserve secured in 2008 by the formerly [...]


Britannia Renewal Britannia Renewal Client: City of Vancouver Dates: 2016 - 2018 EcoPlan worked with a larger project team led by Urban Arts Architecture to develop a Master Plan for Britannia Community Services Centre and the large 18-acre site in East Vancouver’s Commercial Drive neighbourhood. EcoPlan led public engagement for the community-guided project, which resulted [...]

Cormorant Island
Economic Development

Tides of Change: Cormorant Island Joint Economic Development Strategy Winner of a 2016 International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Core Values Award, Tides of Change was a joint economic development strategy developed with ‘Namgis First Nation and the Village of Alert Bay on Northern Vancouver Island. One of the first such joint projects in Canada, [...]

Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS)

Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS) Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy Client: City of Surrey Dates: 2016 – 2019 As part of a larger project team led by Northwest Hydraulics Consulting (NHC), EcoPlan supported the City of Surrey on a five-phase project to develop a Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS) for the City’s coastal floodplain [...]

Xwísten Website

Xwísten Website Date: 2014 EcoPlan worked with Xwísten to completely redesign (in form and function) their website in order to better meet communications needs with members, funders, and other stakeholders. The need for improved communications, especially with members (on and off-reserve), was identified in their 2014 Comprehensive Community Plan, and this plan is guiding the […]

Town of Oliver OCP Update

Town of Oliver OCP Update Date: 2016-2017 With the support of the Arlington Group, EcoPlan led a project to review and update the Town of Oliver’s Official Community Plan. The project included a focus on downtown revitalization, including new and simplified design guidelines for the area, and the development of supportive policies across multiple chapters. The […]


TCK FN Date: 2007 EPI, working with Beringia Planning, undertook this planning initiative to engage TKC Citizens in the design and implementation of a local economic development (LED) strategy and system that serves the community in ways that meet the cultural, social, economic and environmental values and practices of TKC, including helping to fulfill their economic […]

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Date: 2012 EcoPlan, in partnership with Diamond Head Consulting, developed the City of Surrey’s leading edge Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS). The work was built on past planning initiatives, including the Ecosystem Management Study and Surrey’s Sustainability Charter. The results of this project informed large scale community planning, as well as secondary plans and regulatory […]

Surrey Bicycle Recreation Facilities Strategy

Surrey Bicycle Recreation Facilities Strategy Date: 2007-2008 To help better manage new bicycle recreation demands (i.e., off-road, urban mountain bike and BMX riding), EcoPlan led a project to develop a comprehensive Bicycle Recreation Facilities Strategy for the City of Surrey. The project resulted in guidelines for the development and provision of new facilities, the upgrading of […]

Summerland Economic Development Forum

Summerland Economic Development Forum Date: 2012 Based on our proprietary and award winning participatory strategic planning process, EcoPlan designed and delivered an economic development forum for the District of Summerland. The forum attracted over 50 members of the local business community, the District of Summerland Mayor, Council and staff, residents, as well as representatives of the […]

South Cariboo Official Community Plan

South Cariboo Official Community Plan Date: 2015-? EcoPlan was retained to support the Arlington Group in an update of the South Cariboo Area OCP. The OCP Update includes multi-faceted public consultation throughout the process, including a project Advisory Committee and local First Nations engagement.  Other areas addressed in the OCP update include a review of ALR […]

Solid Waste Management Planning (Philippines)

Solid Waste Management Planning (Philippines) Date: 1996=1997 Working with CIDA, the Canadian Urban Institute and the Philippines National Government, EcoPlan developed a multi-stakeholder approach to solid waste management. Our team examined all aspects of an integrated solid waste management strategy using an approach that has since been widely adopted and implemented around the world.  

Shaping Active, Healthy Communities – Community Leaders Guide

Shaping Active, Healthy Communities – Community Leaders Guide Date: 2010 EcoPlan worked with the Heart and Stroke Foundation (HSF) to develop a workshop guide to support HSF’s Shaping Active, Healthy Communities Toolkit, a resource guide for individuals and organizations interested in making their communities healthier places to live. As a companion document, the workshop guide helps HSF’s volunteer […]

Selecting a New Model for Economic Services Delivery

Selecting a New Model for Economic Services Delivery Date: 2016 The Village of Cumberland recently withdrew from their regional economic development service and is now moving forward with developing a new model of service delivery. EcoPlan worked with Cumberland to assist them in exploring their options and in determining what economic development service model best meets […]

SEAS Program Evaluation

SEAS Program Evaluation Date: 2017+ EPI is currently working with TNC Canada and several Coastal First Nations (Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xai’xais and Nuxalk) to evaluate the impact of a youth program known as the SEAS program – Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards. This program operates in several communities and is specifically tailored to meet each community’s priorities, needs and […]

Regional Economic Partnership Initiative

Regional Economic Partnership Initiative Date: 2016+ EcoPlan is currently working with the SLRD, District of Lillooet, SLRD Area A and B, and the six Northern St’at’imc communities on the development of a regional economic collaboration model. This project will bring together the stakeholder governments at the leadership level to find ways to align their work on […]

One West Hastings Centre Development

One West Hastings Centre Development Date: 2004-2007 Working with private sector partners and the PHS Community Services Society, a major service provider in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, EcoPlan was involved in the management of a $6 million proposal to redevelop a strategic heritage building as a multi-tenant facility featuring both non-profit and private sector tenants.  EcoPlan […]

Oak Park Pool House Design Option Study

Oak Park Pool House Design Option Study Date: 2000 This project involved determining a new use for a redundant building located on the grounds of the Marpole Oakridge Community Centre, one of the main community recreation facilities in south Vancouver. After completing a building integrity study, determining that the building (a former pool house) could […]

Powell River Official Community Plan Update

Powell River Official Community Plan Update Client: City of Powell River Date: 2013-2014 EcoPlan worked with a planning team led by the Arlington Group on updating the City of Powell River’s 2005 Official Community Plan. EcoPlan helped plan and deliver the community engagement component and coordinated planning collaboration with Tla’amin Nation, BC’s most recent Treaty […]

Musqueam Self-Governance Public Engagement

Musqueam Self-Governance Public Engagement Date: 2010-2011 EcoPlan was retained by Musqueam to assist with public engagement efforts around their self-governance initiatives. Musqueam is entering into bilateral negotiations with the federal government in order to formulate a self-governance framework that will determine a new relationship between the Nation and Canada. Key issues include Musqueam jurisdiction over […]

Metro Vancouver Consultation and Community Relations Services

Metro Vancouver Consultation and Community Relations Services Date: 2014-present In mid-2014 EcoPlan was selected for a standing offer with Metro Vancouver’s Liquid Waste Services and Water Services departments to provide on-going, and as-needed engagement and planning support services. To date, this work has included First Nations engagement, document review and development, and most recently a […]

Electoral Area “D-1” OCP Update

Electoral Area “D-1” OCP Update Client: Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen Date: 2014-2016 EcoPlan led a larger project team that included the Arlington Group on an update of the Official Community Plan for Electoral Area “D-1” in the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen (RDOS). With a small and dispersed rural population, the project has employed a […]

Squamish Downtown Neighbourhood Plan

Squamish Downtown Neighbourhood Plan Client: District of Squamish Date: 2013-2014 EcoPlan worked with a larger project team to update and finalize the Squamish Downtown Neighbourhood Plan. As part of the Downtown Squamish Transformation Initiative, the project included a substantial economic development review to ensure that the revised plan addresses existing economic challenges, better integrates economic […]

Town of Oliver OCP Update

Town of Oliver OCP Update Client: Town of Oliver Date: 2016-2017 With the support of the Arlington Group, EcoPlan led a project to review and update the Town of Oliver’s Official Community Plan. The project included a focus on downtown revitalization, including new and simplified design guidelines for the area, and the development of supportive policies across […]

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

Surrey Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Client: City of Surrey Date: 2012 EcoPlan, in partnership with Diamond Head Consulting, developed the City of Surrey’s leading edge Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (BCS). The work was built on past planning initiatives, including the Ecosystem Management Study and Surrey’s Sustainability Charter. The results of this project informed large scale community planning, as […]

Lac La Hache Official Community Plan Review and Update

Lac La Hache Official Community Plan Review and Update Date: 2015-? EcoPlan was retained to support the Arlington Group in an update of the Lac La Hache Area Official Community Plan. Being a small rural community with an influx of seasonal residents, effective public consultation has a high priority in this process – including well-timed […]

Thunder Bay Pedestrian and Cyclist Wayfinding Strategy Engagement

Thunder Bay Pedestrian and Cyclist Wayfinding Strategy Engagement Client: City of Thunder Bay Engagemen Dates: 2017 – 2018 EcoPlan is working with Alta Planning + Design and Applied Wayfinding on the City of Thunder Bay’s Pedestrian and Cycling Wayfinding Plan, which will result in a system of signs and maps that will help people find […]

Squamish Employment Lands Strategy

Squamish Employment Lands Strategy Client: District of Squamish Dates: 2014 – 2015 EcoPlan worked with the District of Squamish on the development of an Employment Lands Strategy for the district municipality. The project built off the District’s current planning work (e.g., OCP and Zoning update, Downtown Neighbourhood Plan, Oceanfront Development) to help ensure that employment […]

Islands Trust First Nations Consultation Strategy

Islands Trust First Nations Consultation Strategy Date: 2012 EcoPlan worked with the Islands Trust First Nations Task Force to identify priorities that could be used as the basis for a First Nations Consultation Strategy.  Over the course of two meetings the Task Force worked through a deliberative and structured process based on EcoPlan’s four-phase, ten-step […]

Integrated Marine Use Planning

Integrated Marine Use Planning Date: 2011 North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society (NCSFNSS) was established in 2005 to enable First Nations people on BC’s North Coast and Lower Skeena River to collaborate on projects where they share common interests and objectives. EcoPlan provided technical and process support to NCSFNSS on their work to develop […]

North Island Tourism Forum

North Island Tourism Forum Date: 2016 In 2016, EcoPlan assisted the Regional District of Mount Waddington with the design and facilitation of a Community-to-Community (C2C) Forum to discuss the tourism sector on Northern Vancouver Island. The Forum looked to identify market opportunities and regional tourism priorities and above all, addressed the question of how North […]

Healthy Built Environments ‐ Planning 101 for Health Professionals

Healthy Built Environments ‐ Planning 101 for Health Professionals Date: 2008-2009 EcoPlan worked with the Province of British Columbia’s Health Services Authority to develop and deliver Land Use Planning 101, a capacity building workshop series for health professionals to encourage them to become more involved in local planning processes. The initiative included the development and […]

Future of Driving Forum

Future of Driving Forum Date: 2016 EcoPlan was contracted by TransLink to facilitate the last in a series of regional planning discussion forums on the Future of Driving – an initiative to explore how a number of emerging social and technological trends may affect the regional mobility in the future. To help participants (primarily regional […]

First Nations Engagement in the Capital Regional District’s Regional Sustainability Strategy

First Nations Engagement in the Capital Regional District’s Regional Sustainability Strategy Date: 2013-2016 The Capital Regional District (CRD) is in the process of updating its Regional Growth Strategy to a Regional Sustainability Strategy (RSS), which will have a stronger emphasis on regional economic, social and environmental sustainability. Recognizing that the success of regional planning requires […]